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The state of California is known for many things: movie stars, the gold rush, the world’s tallest trees, but if the state symbols, grizzly bear, valley quail, desert tortoise and serpentine rock have their way, it’ll be famous for being California’s first hybrid family vehicle: the Chrysler Pacifica Plug-in Hybrid.

Garage – TV :30

Campfire – TV :30


The California state bear and his pals spread official Plugin Hybrid wisdom to their Golden State residents that improve life and save bacon on Chrysler social channels. 

Chair – Social Video

Treadmill – Social Video

Charades – Social Video

Chrysler Pacifica Plug-in CA Bear OOH Si

Outdoor Board

Chrysler Pacifica Plug-in CA Bear OOH Si

Charging Station Board

Pacifica Plug-in One Tank Road Trip Facebook Canvas – Social

Pacifica Service Announcement – Radio :60

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